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Veteran of ETFs is named head of product at 21Shares

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    Crypto exchange-traded product (ETP) specialist 21Shares has appointed Mandy Chiu as head of financial product development, ETF Stream can reveal.

    Based in London, Chiu (pictured) will oversee the global product expansion of 21Shares and joint ventures with partners including ARK Invest.

    21Shares added Chiu will look to bridge the gap between TradFi and DeFi following her two decades of experience in ETFs.

    Previously, she spent a year and eight months as chief product officer at fixed income ETF issuer Tabula Investment Management after six years as head of EMEA and APAC ETF product at State Street Global Advisors (SSGA).

    Prior to this, Chiu spent seven years over two stints at ETF Securities in capital markets and as a director of product strategy as well as two years as associate director of ETF product structuring and research at HSBC Asset Management. 

    She started her career in ETFs as a financial adviser and stockbroker at Taiwan’s largest security house and ETF provider, Yuanta Securities, in 2003. 

    Ophelia Snyder, president and co-founder at 21Shares, commented on the hire: “[Chiu’s] remarkable expertise will not only elevate our business but also contribute to shaping the entire ETF landscape and we look forward to the innovative ideas and insights she will bring to our organization." 

    Chiu added: “At 21Shares, I see a remarkable opportunity to continue the journey to innovate, leveraging my experience to drive innovation, expand product offerings, and deliver exceptional value to our clients.” 

    Chiu’s appointment comes amid a year of continued product development for 21Shares, with the firm launching the world’s first crypto staked basket ETP, a stacks staking ETP and a lido DAO ETP as well as closing six other ETPs on low demand.

    21Shares is a portfolio company of ETFS Capital, an investor in ETF Stream


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