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Injective Selects Kava Native USDT for its Perpetual Decryption

Georgetown, Cayman Islands, November 2nd, 2023, Chainwire

Injective, a Cosmos Layer-1 blockchain designed to power next-generation DeFi applications, has selected the Kava Chain's Native USDT for their Perps trading. The Kava Chain is a secure, lightning-fast Layer-1 blockchain that combines the developer power of Ethereum with the speed and interoperability of Cosmos.

This collaboration is poised to bring significant benefits to users of both platforms, signaling that this transformative partnership is set to reshape the world of DeFi. The integration of Kava Chain's capabilities with Injective's revolutionary DeFi technology is set to offer a host of advantages for both platforms, including Enhanced Trading Opportunities, Improved Liquidity, and Cross-Chain Flexibility.

“The introduction of stable asset interoperability is a major boon for the Injective ecosystem. USDT stands as a cornerstone within the broader crypto industry, and the extension of Kava's USDT offering will serve as a major milestone for the community,” said Eric Chen, Co-Founder and CEO of Injective Labs.

The choice of Kava Chain's native USDT for Perps Trading exemplifies the mutual benefits that this partnership brings, offering users the best of both worlds and enriching the DeFi experience for traders, investors, and developers alike. Together, they are poised to reshape the possibilities within the decentralized finance sector.

"We are thrilled that Injective has chosen the Kava Chains native USDt for perps trading. This partnership with Injective is a testament to our commitment to fostering innovation and access within DeFi. We are excited to offer our users the powerful tools and capabilities that Injective brings to the table," said Scott Stuart, Co-Founder and CEO of Kava Labs.

Tether's decision to integrate USDt natively on Cosmos in July 2023, using the Kava Chain as a hub, has since brought accessibility and financial stability to users and developers within the Cosmos ecosystem. After Osmosis, Injective is the 2nd tier-1 Cosmos protocol that is adopting Kava's natively issued USDt, therefore simplifying the process, and offers a streamlined, efficient mechanism for stablecoin liquidity provision and transfer between the Cosmos and Ethereum ecosystems.

For more information about Injective and Kava Chain and its benefits, please visit their respective websites.

For more updates, follow Kava Chain on X (fka Twitter).

About Kava

Kava Chain is a secure, lightning-fast Layer-1 blockchain that combines the developer power of Ethereum with the speed and interoperability of Cosmos in a single, scalable network. Committed to fostering innovation and growth, Kava Chain is a trusted choice for developers and users worldwide.

About Injective

Injective is a lightning-fast interoperable Layer-1 blockchain optimized for building the premier Web3 finance applications. Injective provides developers with powerful plug-and-play modules for creating unmatched dApps. INJ is the native asset that powers Injective and its rapidly growing ecosystem. Injective is incubated by Binance and is backed by prominent investors such as Jump Crypto, Pantera, and Mark Cuban.


Media Manager
Guillermo Carandini
[email protected]

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Introduction: My name is Jackson Sandoval, I am a esteemed, unwavering, resolved, exquisite, Gifted, vibrant, cherished person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.